Silver Creek community invited to town hall meeting on sewer extension

The city of North Bend is planning a town hall meeting, 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 29, at the Mount Si Senior Center, 411 Main Ave. S., to discuss a possible extension of the sanitary sewer system through NE 12th Street, NE 10th Street, NE 8th Street and NE 6th Street corridors.

The city of North Bend is planning a town hall meeting, 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 29, at the Mount Si Senior Center, 411 Main Ave. S., to discuss a possible extension of the sanitary sewer system through NE 12th Street, NE 10th Street, NE 8th Street and NE 6th Street corridors.

Residents of the Silver Creek community are especially encouraged to attend.

This meeting will compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of public sewer and septic drain fields. Additionally, the meeting will provide conceptual level costs of an extended sewer system and rough costs to individual property owners for the sewer extension. The timing of creating a potential ULID, or Utility Local Improvement District will also be discussed.

Mayor Ken Hearing, Public Works Director Mark Rigos, and representatives from Community and Economic Development will present the information and answer questions.

For those unable to attend the meeting, additional information can be requested by sending email ti Carrie Lee, Public Works Coordinator, at