Friday, May 18
Assault: A suspect assaulted the employee at the Safeway gas station on the 34800 block of Southeast Douglas St.
Thursday, May 17
Citizen Assist: A subject was sitting outside a McDonalds shivering on the 700 block of Southwest Mt. Si Boulevard. Police brought him to Safeway to sit and to stay warm and bought him donuts to munch on until the buses started running.
Wednesday, May 16
Area Check: Police contacted juveniles playing Nerf at Centennial Field. The officer advised juveniles that the park was closed. One of the juveniles playing Nerf war wanted confirmation that the officer saw his buddy get hit by a Nerf dart. “Another one bites the dust,” the officer wrote in the report.
Tuesday, May 15
Juvenile Problem: Two 12-year-old children were smoking near a park on the corner of Pine Ave. Southeast and Southeast Cedar St. The juveniles had a pitbull with them and had “found” a vape device. The officer took the vape and destroyed it.
Monday, May 14
Vehicle Prowling: Windows were broken on four vehicles in a park on the 400 block of Southeast Orchard Drive. Three purses were stolen.
Sunday, May 13
Theft: A victim’s purse was stolen while they were taking photos near the 6500 block of Railroad Ave. Southeast.