After raising more than $85,000 at its March fund-raiser breakfast, the Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation plans to provide grants for reading enrichment, sports equipment and peer intervention in Valley schools.
Masonic Hall break-in: At 4:15 p.m., deputies investigated a burglary at the Masonic Temple Hall in North Bend. Someone pulled down stage curtains, broke stanchions and expelled a fire extinguisher.
As the largest volunteer organization in Washington State, Puget Sound Blood Center relies on thousands of dedicated supporters to help fulfill its daily livesaving mission.
Fall City Boy Scout Troop 425 held its Fall Court of Honor on Tuesday, April 1 at the Fall City Masonic Lodge.
• The moment many Snoqualmie residents have long awaited is nearly here. A large crowd is expected to gather Sunday to witness the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Snoqualmie Valley Hospital.
• Open mic at Isadora’s Books and Cafe, 8062 Railroad Ave. S.E., Snoqualmie, from 7 to 10 p.m. Now serving wine and beer. Call (425) 888-1345 for information.
More than one hundred volunteers in Snoqualmie will be honored this week for their contribution to the community.
The East-King unit of the Washington State School Retirees’ Association recently presented five mini-grants totaling $1,822 to educators on the Eastside.
Students from the Snoqualmie area have been named to the Dean’s List at the University of Washington for winter quarter. To qualify, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have a grade point average of at least 3.5 out of 4.
Jan Sliger, a North Bend resident raising funds to send seriously ill children to a summer camp created in honor of her nephew, is the Valley Record’s latest Citizen of the Week.