Out of hibernation: Manage your trash to deter local black bears

It’s an established pattern among local bears. Ursine activity may increase in Snoqualmie neighborhoods over the next few weeks as black bears look for food following winter months. According to the city, proper garbage management is the most important thing to discourage bear activity. Keep garbage cans with tight-fitting lids in a shed, garage, or fenced area. Put garbage containers out for collection shortly before the truck arrives—not the night before. A detailed list of tips for managing garbage is posted on the WDFW black bear fact sheet.

It’s an established pattern among local bears. Ursine activity may increase in Snoqualmie neighborhoods over the next few weeks as black bears look for food following winter months.

According to the city, proper garbage management is the most important thing to discourage bear activity. Keep garbage cans with tight-fitting lids in a shed, garage, or fenced area.  Put garbage containers out for collection shortly before the truck arrives—not the night before. A detailed list of tips for managing garbage is posted on the WDFW black bear fact sheet.

Waste Management has wildlife-proof garbage containers available. The container is free; the collection service is $3.13 per month with regular service. To find out more about the container or order one, please call Waste Management at 800-592-9995

Volunteer, and report the bears

The City of Snoqualmie Parks & Recreation Department manages more than 1,500 acres of open space. When bears move waste from garbage containers into the open space, it is difficult for the city to staff the level of clean-up hours needed. Residents would be welcome to assist in clean-up of the open space buffers. A coordinator is needed; those with interest are encouraged to call the Parks & Recreation Department at 425-831-5784.

The Snoqualmie Police Department requests that the public call 911 for each bear sighting. 911 will dispatch Snoqualmie police to the location. The police want to track bear activity and already work closely with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Office on this issue.

Safety tips for living in neighborhoods that have black bears are posted on the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website at wdfw.wa.gov; click “Living with Wildlife” and find the species fact sheet for black bears.