Our Lady of Sorrows church celebrates 80th anniversary

Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Snoqualmie celebrated its 80th Anniversary as a parish of the Seattle Archdiocese on Sunday, Sept. 13.

Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Snoqualmie celebrated its 80th Anniversary as a parish of the Seattle Archdiocese on Sunday, Sept. 13.

Parishioners gathered at the weekend masses and heard a special homily by Fr. John Ludvik, pastor, followed by the annual parish picnic and children’s carnival. Old photos and stories were shared about past parishioners and the history of the parish.

Acquiring new property for a future campus during this anniversary year gives the parish a focus to look toward the future. A new parish pictorial directory will also be part of the celebration.

The anniversary year also brought a sense of history, as 10 acres of land have been purchased at Cascade Golf Course for a future building site for the parish near North Bend.

Our Lady of Sorrows is beginning a process, The Engaging Church, with emphasis on identifying parishioners’ talents via a survey developed by the Gallup organization. The parish also will be looking at a new youth ministry and on visioning and goals for the future. Fall programs include learning about the Catholic faith and a Returning Catholics Program for those who have been away or inactive.

The parish has a lengthy history of ministering to the needy in the valley through its St. Vincent de Paul volunteers, contributions to Mount Si Helping Hand Food Bank, the annual school supply drive and recent involvement in the Crop Walk.