North Bend Elementary kindergartners visit tree farm

On Tuesday, Dec. 6, the kindergarten students at North Bend Elementary School, wrapped in heavy coats, fuzzy hats, boots and gloves, traveled by bus to Crown Tree Farm in North Bend to learn about measurement and Christmas trees.
In preparation for the field trip, students took measurements of their own feet, tracing their shoe outlines and cutting out the shapes to use as a not-to-scale ruler. Kindergarten teachers Marylee Johnson and Megan Kenoyer took their students to the tree farm that morning, while kindergarten teacher Andrea Stein took her students in the afternoon. During the field trip, the students used their rulers to measure how many feet tall the various trees were. Lia Torres and Jordan Caple, (top right, foreground to background) who went on the afternoon field trip, used their paper foot outlines to measure a young Christmas tree, discovering that it was shorter then they were by at least a foot. After walking around the outdoor tree farm, the students met with a tree handler and were able to have a question-and-answer session about Christmas trees. The students, including Makenzie Davis, Colton Luquette, Drake Dean and Lia Torres from Stein's class (bottom, left to right) were then treated to warm apple cider and cookies inside the gift shop before heading back to school.

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