Libraries want dialogue on crime, drug use in Valley

Are you concerned about drug use and related crime in the community? Do you have ideas about what should be done about it? The King County Library System is hosting community-wide conversation about these issues in the Snoqualmie Valley.

Are you concerned about drug use and related crime in the community? Do you have ideas about what should be done about it? The King County Library System is hosting community-wide conversation about these issues in the Snoqualmie Valley. Participation is both online at and by written forms at local libraries throughout the Valley. KCLS is working with the Snoqualmie Valley Community Network on issues of public safety. All comments, reactions and ratings will be provided, anonymously and unedited, to SVCN members, cities, police departments and school districts at the end of the project.

This conversation is a part of Convey, an initiative of the King County Library System, designed to foster civic engagement in person, online and in the community.

It runs through November.