In brief

The Mount Si High School Parent Teacher Student Association recently awarded more than $5,600 in grant funds from Mount Si teachers, staff, and students from various departments and clubs.

Mount Si PTSA awards funding

The Mount Si High School Parent Teacher Student Association recently awarded more than $5,600 in grant funds from Mount Si teachers, staff, and students from various departments and clubs.

One grant, submitted by teacher Bill Dillion, will fully fund two classroom sets of Shakespeare translation texts for the language arts department.

Another grant, submitted by teachers Gene Clegg and Jana Mabry, will partially fund a three-day at-sea field trip for geology students.

The Key Club was awarded funds to help offset the costs of sending three Key Club officers to the Pacific Northwest Key Club Conference in 2009. At this convention, students will attend seminars relating to leadership, involvement, and community service.

The grants are funded solely by donations from PTSA members and the local community. The PTSA plans to award additional grants in the spring. Contributions can be made to Mount Si High School PTSA and mailed to 8651 Meadowbrook Way, Snoqualmie, WA 98065. MSHS PTSA is a nonprofit organization, and contributions are tax deductible.