Grangestock rocks out under Mount Si

Local artists in the Valley got together on Friday, Aug. 5 at the Nursery at Mount Si for the Sallal Grange's monthly open mic show, Grangestock.

Local artists in the Valley got together on Friday, Aug. 5 at the Nursery at Mount Si for the Sallal Grange’s monthly open mic show, Grangestock.

Grangestock is held on the first Friday of every month at the Sallal Grange as a community potluck and open mic. On Aug. 5, the event moved outdoors to The Nursery at Mount Si. The owner of that venue, Nels Melgaard, said the Grange rents out their building to the Twin Peaks festival every August so Grangestock moves to the Nursery.

“Historically we have always rented the Grange (Hall) to the Twin Peaks Fest in August, and it was either not do the August Grangestock or decide to do it at my place,” Melgaard said.

One of the appealing aspects for Melgaard is the unpredictable nature of the event. The open mics allow anyone to register and perform for the local audience.

“You never know who is going to show up, it’s a total surprise package and its always just a great gathering,” he said. “You don’t know who is going to play, when they are going to play, or what they are going to play.”

Grangestock gets musicians from all around the Puget Sound area, although most are local to the Valley. However Melgaard emphasized that all skill levels are welcome at the event and said it is a great venue to practice for first time performers.

“If people haven’t played out in front of the public they will not find a more supportive environment to get over their stage fright,” he said. “I love supporting artists, creating venues, giving them an opportunity and bringing together community.”