Floodzilla reports suggest rivers will rise this week, but not to flood stage

Reports coming in from the Carnation-based Floodzilla river-watching website suggest a spike in flow in the Snoqualmie River this week. The crest is expected late Wednesday and early Thursday, March 13 and 14, with the river reaching just-below-flood levels in Snoqualmie—10.5 feet, about three feet below flood stage, and 12,000 cubic feet per second—about 11 p.m. Wednesday.

Reports coming in from the Carnation-based Floodzilla river-watching website suggest a spike in flow in the Snoqualmie River this week.

The crest is expected late Wednesday and early Thursday, March 13 and 14, with the river reaching just-below-flood levels in Snoqualmie—10.5 feet, about three feet below flood stage, and 12,000 cubic feet per second—about 11 p.m. Wednesday.

Carnation would have higher flows. A projected crest of 53 feet and 10,000 cubic feet per second, at the Carnation monitoring station, about 10 inches below the flood line, is estimated for 11 p.m.

The river is currently running at 1,721 cfs in Snoqualmie, 2,659 in Carnation, with flows falling.

You can see the Floodzilla data for yourself at http://floodzilla.com/river/snoqualmie