Explore your fire hall at open houses in North Bend, Rim, Carnation

As part of Fire Prevention Week, Eastside Fire & Rescue (EF&R) officials will host open houses at 10 of their 16 facilities, from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Oct. 11. Fire stations in the cities of North Bend, Carnation, Issaquah, and Sammamish, along with the Wilderness Rim station and the Coalfield station, will be open for firefighter-led tours, a hands-on look at equipment and vehicles and opportunities to talk with and ask questions of firefighters. Brochures and items for kids to take home will be available for those who drop in.

As part of Fire Prevention Week, Eastside Fire & Rescue officials will host open houses at 10 of their 16 facilities, from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Oct. 11.

Fire stations in the cities of North Bend, Carnation, Issaquah, and Sammamish, along with the Wilderness Rim station and the Coalfield station, will be open for firefighter-led tours, a hands-on look at equipment and vehicles and opportunities to talk with and ask questions of firefighters. Brochures and items for kids to take home will be available for those who drop in.

“We know people are really busy and there are lots of competing interests, but we hope our neighbors will come out and see what we are doing and how we are getting things done,” said Fire Chief Lee Soptich.

The national awareness theme for the 2014 Fire Prevention Week is “Smoke Alarms Save Lives—Test Monthly.”  Fire officials at EF&R urge adults to do the following, which is proven to greatly reduce the risk of death and property loss:

• Install smoke alarms on each level of your home (in hallways and near stairways).

• Install smoke alarms in each bedroom.

• Test the smoke alarm monthly.

• Change smoke alarm batteries at least annually.

• Create, share, and practice a home family escape plan at least annually.

• Have at least two ways out when an alarm sounds.