Emergency team training in Feb.

Locals can learn how to help their neighbors in a disaster through Community Emergency Response Team, or CERT, training next month in Snoqualmie.

Locals can learn how to help their neighbors in a disaster through Community Emergency Response Team, or CERT, training next month in Snoqualmie.

The cities of Snoqualmie and North Bend, along with Eastside Fire & Rescue, offer the program to Valley residents. When emergencies happen, CERT members can give critical support to first responders and provide immediate assistance to victims.

The program consists of four Saturday training sessions, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 27, March 6, 20, and 27. The final class will include a practical drill. All sessions are located at the Snoqualmie Fire Station. A fee of $25 is refundable upon completion of all classes and certification. To register, e-mail Liz Luizzo or Bob Rowe at eoc@ci.snoqualmie.wa.us or call (425) 888-1551.