EFR firefighters grab gold at games

Eastside Fire and Rescue firefighters Ryan Hendricks, Nick Parker and Pete Wilson brought home gold medals in the World Police and Fire Games, held in Vancouver, B.C.

Eastside Fire and Rescue firefighters Ryan Hendricks, Nick Parker and Pete Wilson brought home gold medals in the World Police and Fire Games, held in Vancouver, B.C.

The EFR firefighters were joined by Terry Dries, a firefighter from Sacramento, and Randy Paulson, a police officer from Pleasanton, Calif.

They competed in a five-on-five paintball tournament against five other teams, including two Los Angeles police teams, a Royal Canadian Mounted Police team, and two teams from Victoria Corrections department. The five had never played together before the games and got off to a rocky start. The team suffered crushing losses to the 2 L.A. teams in the qualifying rounds. After the fourth game, the team rallied to defeat one of the L.A. teams, making finals. The team won both rounds in the finals and took the gold.