Ditching the school bus

School officials and parents were thankful no one was hurt when a Snoqualmie Valley School District bus, pictured above, ran off Stoen Quarry Road last Tuesday, Jan. 8, in Snoqualmie. The bus, carrying six students ages 5 and under, was traveling south on Stoen Quarry Road when it slowed down to make a stop. As the driver slowed, the bus lost its grip on the road that was saturated from a week's worth of rain and fell off the side.The bus tilted to its right side and came to rest in an embankment filled with about a foot of rain water. No other vehicles were involved in the accident, and the driver and students were able to exit the bus through emergency doors. Director of Transportation Steve Winecoff said the driver was not cited by officials for the crash and was not disciplined by the district. "She didn't do anything wrong," Winecoff said. "There was no reason to give her a ticket."

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