District seeks input on priorities

The King Conservation District will hold a series of six public comment sessions in May and June, including an upcoming Carnation session, to gather citizen input on conservation priorities and programs that would be funded by the reauthorization of the district’s special assessment tax.

The King Conservation District will hold a series of six public comment sessions in May and June, including an upcoming Carnation session, to gather citizen input on conservation priorities and programs that would be funded by the reauthorization of the district’s special assessment tax.

The Carnation public comment session will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 28, at the Carnation Library, 4804 Tolt Ave.

The conservation district provides conservation information and technical assistance programs to all landowners within the district’s boundaries, which include most of King County, on a voluntary, non-regulatory basis. Learn more about the district at www.kingcd.org.