COVID-19 cases trending down in the valley after brief spike

Latest numbers from King County

As of Aug. 25, there were 18,824 positive cases of COVID-19 and 711 deaths in King County.

The numbers are trending downward, according to the King County health department’s dashboard. The seven-day average (ending Aug. 23) was 117.3 positive cases compared to a recent peak of 191.1 positive cases on July 25.

Among cases and deaths in cities in the valley through Aug. 25:

• Snoqualmie: 64 positive cases, zero deaths

• North Bend: 28 positive cases, zero deaths

• Carnation: 7 positive cases, zero deaths

• Fall City: 7 positive cases, zero deaths

• Duvall: 32 positive cases, 1 death

• Skykomish: Zero positive cases, zero deaths

In total, the county reports 175 total positive test results for the Snoqualmie/North Bend area at a rate of 364.3 per 100,000 residents with 23 positive cases reported between Aug. 9 and Aug. 23.

The county’s COVID dashboard shows a brief spike in positive cases in Snoqualmie in early August that has since trended downward with just one positive case reported between Aug. 15 and Aug. 23.

As of Aug. 25, there have been 71,371 total cases reported statewide and 1,867 total deaths statewide, according to the Washington State Department of Health.

Washington has four phases to resume normal activities and commerce.

• Phase 1 involved resumption of some construction and outdoor activities such as fishing, hunting, golf and certain park access, and limited curbside retail commerce, among other things.

• King County and most other counties are now in Phase 2, which allows partial reopening of dine-in restaurants and taverns, limited in-store retail sales, expansion of outdoor activities and other steps, all of which come with conditions.

• Phase 3 will allow group activities with 50 or fewer people, professional sports without spectators, non-essential travel and the reopening of museums and other public places — again, all of which come with conditions.

• Phase 4 will reopen everything but require social-distancing measures.

The phases will last no fewer than three weeks, and each could be extended if COVID-19 health metrics indicate a need to reinstate or continue limitations.

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