City minting 100-year coin

What better way to reflect on the 100-year milestone of North Bend than with a shiny medallion in your hand?

What better way to reflect on the 100-year milestone of North Bend than with a shiny medallion in your hand?

The city of North Bend is in the early stages of designing a coin to commemorate 2009, its centennial year.

City administrator Duncan Wilson said many organizations have struck coins to reflect troops in Iraq, national parks and other worthy causes and events.

The design or packaging of the coin has not yet been approved, the final version will likely include the Valley’s most prominent peak.

“Somewhere, there’s going to be an image of Mount Si,” Wilson said. “Beyond that, we don’t really know.”

The city is also planning to release centennial pins for the occasion in early- to mid-April.

While the anniversary of North Bend’s incorporation is in March, the city’s celebration is year-round.

“Most centennials are celebrated over a year, rather than on a specific day,” Wilson said.

North Bend’s year will include block parties in June and July, leading up to the Festival at Mount Si.

The city of Snoqualmie celebrated its centennial in 2003.