Arts group takes center stage

There's a new act in town. The founders of the newly-formed Cascade Performing Arts Council (CPAC) believe that the performing arts are an essential element in building community and quality of life for residents of the Snoqualmie Valley.

There’s a new act in town. The founders of the newly-formed Cascade Performing Arts Council (CPAC) believe that the performing arts are an essential element in building community and quality of life for residents of the Snoqualmie Valley.

Carolyn Butler, president of the new, nonprofit organization, said, “Seeing a live performance is a much different experience than watching a movie or television. The audience and the performers actually exchange energy and connect with one another.

“The live arts help us feel our connection to humanity, and, in times like these, offers us hope that humankind’s capacity for creativity will triumph over the destructive events going on in our world.”

CPAC will partner with arts groups throughout the Snoqualmie Valley to encourage community participation in arts appreciation and education.

The Duvall Arts Commission, the Fall City Arts Council and Snoqualmie Valley Arts Live, local arts agencies that present performing arts programs in the Valley, have successfully been building audiences for music, dance and theater for several years.

As the population of the Valley continues to grow, these organizations and smaller community arts groups will be challenged to meet the increased demand for their services. In the current economic slump, government funding for the arts is shrinking, and nonprofit organizations are finding strength in collaboration with one another.

Through partnerships with government arts organizations, other nonprofit arts groups and community arts groups without nonprofit statue, the Cascade Performing Arts Council hopes to ensure that the performing arts continue to flourish in the Valley.