North Bend Block Party: Youth orchestra shares the sound of real strings

The Snoqualmie Strings youth orchestra play their final scheduled performance of the summer at noon, Saturday, July 20, at the community stage. Student musicians will perform their summer song selection. Their selections will include classical music like Brahm’s “Hungarian Dance,” old folk songs like “Cindy” and “Old Joe Clark,” as well as more contemporary movie themes from “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Mission Impossible.” Students have been learning and practicing songs throughout the year.

The Snoqualmie Strings youth orchestra play their final scheduled performance of the summer at noon, Saturday, July 20, at the community stage. Student musicians will perform their summer song selection.

Their selections will include classical music like Brahm’s “Hungarian Dance,” old folk songs like “Cindy” and “Old Joe Clark,” as well as more contemporary movie themes from “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Mission Impossible.” Students have been learning and practicing songs throughout the year.

Snoqualmie Strings is a youth orchestra program for school-aged children ages 6 to 18, playing the violin, viola, cello or bass. The orchestra is directed by Sheila Bateman, who has more than 20 years of experience teaching children to play music.

The orchestra offers opportunities for children to learn music in ways they might not otherwise finds. Bateman hopes to give beginning and advanced players a place to play with peers, expand their repertoire and play in a variety of local venues.

Snoqualmie Strings has a Seedling, junior, youth and chamber orchestra. At early ages, through Seedlings classes held after-school at Snoqualmie Valley elementary schools, Snoqualmie Strings teaches young children the basics of musicianship.

Classes teach students how to hold a stringed instrument, read the treble and alto clef, follow a conductor, play together in an ensemble and harmonize with one another.

The youth orchestra is for advanced student musicians. It tackles difficult music from a variety of genres. Students learn skills essential to the orchestral musician such as tracking the music, counting measures, following tempo changes, as well as note reading and music theory.

To learn more about Snoqualmie Strings, go to