Masters ready to answer your gardening questions

Master Gardeners of Snoqualmie Valley and the North Bend Library hold their next class, 11 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 13, on propagation and plant division. Kay Gordon, a master gardener, holds the class at the North Bend Library. She will cover techniques for successful divisions, cuttings and layering of perennials and shrubs.

Master Gardeners of Snoqualmie Valley and the North Bend Library hold their next class, 11 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 13, on propagation and plant division.

Kay Gordon, a master gardener, holds the class at the North Bend Library.  She will cover techniques for successful divisions, cuttings and layering of perennials and shrubs.

Learn how to create more plants from the plants you already have in your yard. Master gardeners will be available to answer plant problem questions until 1 p.m.