‘Lego Man’ Dan Parker to show amazing creations | Snoqualmie Railroad Days

What’s cooler than a five-foot replica of the Death Star made from Legos? If you ask Dan Parker, aka Dan the Lego Man, it’s what he’ll be doing this weekend at Snoqualmie’s Railroad Days. “I’ve been building all kinds of displays, but I think towns and railroads are my favorite,” says the Lego Man. There’s something “mesmerizing” about a moving train, he added.

What’s cooler than a five-foot replica of the Death Star made from Legos? If you ask Dan Parker, aka Dan the Lego Man, it’s what he’ll be doing this weekend at Snoqualmie’s Railroad Days.

“I’ve been building all kinds of displays, but I think towns and railroads are my favorite,” says the Lego Man. There’s something “mesmerizing” about a moving train, he added.

Parker’s past Railroad Days creations included a miniature railroad, complete with running trains set up in a little town, and a historic building from the Northwest Railway Museum — “We’re not up to taking on the depot itself,” he said. Kids can watch as Parker hand-sets bricks for the final details of his creation, then move over to the Lego table to building something of their own in this exhibit, set for the freight room at the museum.

Adults might be fascinated by what Parker can do with 25- or 30,000 plastic bricks, but he knows his younger audience can become equally fascinated with their own creations.

“Kids love Legos,” he said. “They love to see what other people have made out of Legos, it inspires them, it helps them dream.”

Above, Parker has a warehouse full of Lego creations, but some, like his Death Star replica, are still on display at his Tacoma studio, City Blocks.