In brief

As part of the federal economic stimulus plan, $3.2 billion in energy grants nationwide will make it possible for King County to invest in local actions that create immediate jobs, improve energy efficiency, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

County to share in energy grants

As part of the federal economic stimulus plan, $3.2 billion in energy grants nationwide will make it possible for King County to invest in local actions that create immediate jobs, improve energy efficiency, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Securing federal support for empowering local climate action has been the goal of a coalition of local officials who have joined together in an organization called Climate Communities, of which King County Councilman Larry Phillips is a founding member and national co-chair.

Washington will receive over $60 million for local energy priorities, including the expansion of emerging renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, and $60.7 million to help weatherize homes and businesses throughout the state. Additionally, King County will receive a share of $3.2 billion in energy efficiency and conservation block grants.