Hunts and hoppings: New sites, old favorites in Snoqualmie Valley Easter family events

Find family fun at local egg hunts, breakfasts, services and activities with the following events: The annual Community Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by Snoqualmie Valley Moose Lodge 1666 will be held at 9 a.m. sharp Saturday, March 30, at a new location, the Little Si Links course at Mount Si Golf Course. The Snoqualmie Easter Egg Hunt and a visit with the Easter Bunny, for ages 0 to 12, starts at 10 a.m. sharp, Saturday, March 30, at Centennial Fields park, 39903 S.E. Park St.

Find family fun at local egg hunts, breakfasts, services and activities with the following events:

New location for Moose North Bend egg hunt

The annual Community Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by Snoqualmie Valley Moose Lodge 1666 will be held at 9 a.m. sharp Saturday, March 30, at a new location, the Little Si Links course at Mount Si Golf Course.

The time is “sharp” because children grab these eggs fast—don’t be late.

Children hunt eggs in four age groups: 3 and younger; preschool and Kindergarten; first, second and third grades; and fourth and fifth grades. Parking is at the Little Si course parking lot.

Breakfast follows at Moose Lodge, 108 Sydney Avenue (the corner of Sydney and North Bend Way) North Bend. Breakfast is free for children and by donation to adults.

Call the lodge at (425) 888-0951 for information.

Snoqualmie hunt back at Centennial park

The Snoqualmie Easter Egg Hunt and a visit with the Easter Bunny, for ages 0 to 12, starts at 10 a.m. sharp, Saturday, March 30, at Centennial Fields park, 39903 S.E. Park St.

There will be an egg hunt for four different age groups: 0-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12. Amidst the field of candy-filled eggs, there will be three special golden eggs for each age group. Children who find a golden egg will get a big basket of surprises from the big bunny. In addition to the egg hunt, children can visit with the Easter Bunny arriving by fire truck. Be there on time, as the eggs go fast.

Both Snoqualmie events are sponsored by the city of Snoqualmie Parks & Recreation Department and the Snoqualmie Ridge Residential Owners Association.

To learn more, call (425) 831-5784 or e-mail to

Teen egg hunt lights up Centennial Fields

Little ones don’t get all the fun. Youth ages 12 to 17 can experience the excitement of Easter at the Teen Flashlight Egg Hunt, 8:30 p.m. Friday, March 29, at Centennial Fields, 39903 S.E. Park St., Snoqualmie.

Meet at the picnic shelter and bring your flashlight and an appetite in this flashlight hunt for candy-filled eggs. After the hunt, teens enjoy food, beverages and a state-of-the-art mobile game theater. Watch for the Games2U strobe light to guide you to Centennial Fields.

Preston egg hunt at Camp Terry

The Preston Community Easter Egg Hunt is 10 a.m Saturday, March 30, at the YMCA’s Camp Terry in Preston.

To find Camp Terry from the Preston-Fall City Road, turn onto Southeast 85th Place, and follow it to the end of the street, about a block.

Community Church breakfast, service

A free Easter breakfast is 8 to 9:30 a.m. Sunday, March 31, at North Bend Community Church, 146 E. Third St. North Bend. Easter Sunday service will follow at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome for a celebration of Christ’s resurrection and love.

Carnation hunt at Memorial Park

MOMS Club of Carnation invites families to the city of Carnation annual Easter Egg Hunt at Valley Memorial Park, March 30 at 10 a.m. for children up to age 12.

Call Michelle DeBacker at (425) 333-6086 for more information.