‘Complete streets’: Bike club, city host walking tour of Snoqualmie

The Cascade Bicycle Club will provide a “Complete Streets” training program at Snoqualmie City Hall on Wedneday, Dec, 8 which will include a walking exercise in downtown Snoqualmie neighborhoods followed by an information and discussion workshop at City Hall. The public is welcome to attend either or both parts of this Complete Streets program.

The Cascade Bicycle Club will provide a “Complete Streets” training program at Snoqualmie City Hall on Wedneday, Dec, 8 which will include a walking exercise in downtown Snoqualmie neighborhoods followed by an information and discussion workshop at City Hall.

The public is welcome to attend either or both parts of this Complete Streets program.

The walking exercise begins at 2:30 p.m. at City Hall, 38624 S.E. River Street. If you would like to participate in the walking exercise, please RSVP to Nicole Sanders at 425-888-5337 or nsanders@ci.snoqualmie.wa.us so that reflective vests can be reserved.

The information workshop begins at 4:30 in the City Council Chambers. Everyone is welcome to attend this session even if they did not participate in the walking exercise. Light refreshments will be provided.

David Hiller, Cascade Bicycle Club Advocacy Director, and Tessa Greegor, the club’s Principal Planner, will be leading the walking exercise and discussion session along with City staff.

This program is one element of the Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) grant, funding various initiatives in Snoqualmie for preventative health planning, including the development of the City of Snoqualmie Master Bicycle Pedestrian Plan in 2011.

Complete Streets refers to streets that are “completed” for bicyclists and pedestrians with bike lanes and sidewalks, which could be included in future street designs within Snoqualmie.

The City of Snoqualmie is not committed to passing a Complete Streets policy at this time; however, City staff are researching and exploring a policy as part of the CPPW grant, and are considering how Complete Streets programs have worked in other cities such as Redmond and Seattle.

For more information about the Cascade Bicycle Club or their work on Complete Streets, visit www.cbcef.org/ or blog.cascade.org/.

This program, as other CPPW grant work, is made possible by funding from the Department of Health and Human Services and Public Health – Seattle and King County.