Thanks for drowsy driving information

Thank you to Bill Shaw for sharing his personal story about drowsy driving, and drawing attention to the consequences, especially on our young drivers.

Thank you to Bill Shaw for sharing his personal story about drowsy driving, and drawing attention to the consequences, especially on our young drivers. I have taught health and physical education to secondary students for 30 years. In my classes, we address youth and the risky behaviors and the choices they make. Our youth do not having the experience we do as adults, yet do have the attitude that they are indestructible and invincible. Real life stories sometimes get student’s attention and your very poignant story hopefully will reach one or more of them in the future. As a parent, I hope I never have to experience the pain and anguish that you, your wife and daughter are continuing to go through.

Again, thank you for bringing the topic of drowsy driving to the forefront and as a reminder to all of us the horrible impact it can have.

Lynnette Wiegardt

North Bend