Neighborhood needed turn lane

Bob Edwards’ August 25 column asked a very pointed question: Why is there a dedicated left turn lane northbound at Bendigo Boulevard and West Park Street?

Bob Edwards’ August 25 column asked a very pointed question: Why is there a dedicated left turn lane northbound at Bendigo Boulevard and West Park Street?

The dedicated left turn lane is for those living in the 11 homes of the William Henry Taylor Park Addition neighborhood.

Several neighborhood residents worked with the city staff for many years, trying to make that intersection as safe as possible for the neighborhood and for everyone who drives or walks through it. In 1997, we worked with King County Police using traffic control radar to monitor the speed of vehicles coming over the South Fork Bridge. Many times, cars were traveling well over the speed limit of 30 MPH, making it impossible to safely exit or enter the intersection of Bendigo and Park. Due to the many accidents at that intersection, the state approved the installation of the traffic light. The residents of the neighborhood participated in city public workshops, and helped state and city staff choose the current configuration at this intersection.

So, Mr. Edwards, the process for public input does work, and the city does ask for citizen participation and opinion on traffic changes. The public is notified of these workshops by notices published in The Valley Record.

Vicki Bettes

North Bend