If it’s not broke, why fix it?

What do you think of the new teardrop corners? Trucks and buses have enough problems getting around without running over the curbs.

What do you think of the new teardrop corners? Trucks and buses have enough problems getting around without running over the curbs — not to mention those traffic light buttons you push for a green light, but have to walk 10 feet to get to the crosswalk to cross the street.

They appear to be a new fad, or ‘Keeping up with the Jones,’ so to say.

This is one fad that doesn’t need to be changed. Let’s just have simple, square corners — and not plant shrubs on corners to block oncoming traffic’s view, or have SUVs parked on corners to obstruct views. We need these corners as much as we need pet shops, nail shops and counseling services. Or maybe a few more turnabouts, one for cars and one for walkers.

Dave Mahaffey

North Bend