Ridge chiropractic practice honored

Chiropractic Care at the Ridge, owned by Dr. Heather Geigert, was the March Business of the Month for the Snoqualmie Valley Chamber of Commerce.

Chiropractic Care at the Ridge, owned by Dr. Heather Geigert, was the March Business of the Month for the Snoqualmie Valley Chamber of Commerce.

Geigert offers a different kind of chiropractic called Atlas Orthogonal. It’s highly specialized, yet gentler and more effective than typical chiropractic care as it does not involve twisting or turning of the neck, and adjustments last longer. Many of Geigert’s patients have traveled well over three hours for this specialized technique.

* Chiropractic Care at the Ridge is located at 7819 Center Blvd. in Snoqualmie. Call (425) 396-7890 for information or to make an appointment.