Writers object to ‘disappearance’ of HGTV

Letter to the Editor.

This is for Dot.

Dot, like you, my wife and I are extremely upset about AT&T

Cable’s decision to move HGTV to the digital cable. Like you, we spent hours on

the phone talking to “customer service” representatives. We even

finally reached Anne Swenson, the assistant to the president of cable services

for the Northwest. Like the others, she was very clear that their decision was

final and the only way we were going to be able to watch HGTV was to pay

AT&T more money. See, that is what makes America great: In free markets,

companies can think and act as they like.

However, as consumers, we are not powerless. Do you remember the

old movie “Network”? The saying made famous was, “I’m mad as Hell and

I’m not going to take it anymore.” Well, we don’t have to take it. All of us

can challenge AT&T and tell them decisions to increase profits in one area

can affect them in many other areas. Don’t just make nebulous threats like, “I

may cancel my cable service.” Be specific. Tell them the business is going to

their competitors. Tell them they are losing cable TV money, calling card

money, long distance money and Internet access money; and in each case

those monies are going to specified competitors.

We are telling them they must put HGTV back on their basic

expanded service by the end of March or we will take all our communications

business elsewhere. We will express our opinion with our monthly checks.

Direct TV will get our TV monies, Sprint will get our long distance and calling

card monies, and Earthlink will get our Internet access monies. See,

that’s what makes America great: Competition. In free markets, consumers

also have choices!

Ken & Gail Hall

North Bend