No one will be turned away from food bank

Letter to the Editor.

The article on the Snoqualmie Tribe’s food bank provides overdue recognition to a valuable service in the Valley (Snoqualmie Valley Record, Jan. 21, 2004). I admire their selfless service to others and wish them will in their efforts to maintain a home. However, one statement in the article, “Unlike other food banks, the Snoqualmie Tribe’s does not turn anyone away based on a coverage area …,” may give a false impression.

The Mount Si Helping Hand Food Bank’s basic service area is the Upper Valley, but anyone who needs help to obtain adequate nutrition is welcome. In fact, we serve a number of people from outside the Valley on a regular basis.

We encourage people from outside the Valley to use their local food banks, but we serve them as well as local residents. No one who needs food will be turned away.

Kenneth P. McCarty

Coordinator Mount Si

Helping Hand Food Bank