Letters to the Editor, Nov. 23, 2018

Salish expansion

New information warrants update to Nov. 9 story

The Nov. 9 article “Council Approves Salish Expansion Project Application” will need a follow up.

Since press time, local Snoqualmie citizens Lesley D. Sheppard and Monica Lowney revealed at the Nov. 13 Snoqualmie City Council meeting that the area presented on city maps as the “Salish Expansion,” 49.6 acres, is actually grossly inaccurate.

The actual total acreage of the Salish Expansion is closer to 100 acres and it extends along both sides of the Snoqualmie River, not simply above the roundabout as portrayed by the city on the maps they published. (Councilmember Sean Sundwell today revealed the erroneous map used to vote in this expansion was actually an aerial photograph taken by the developer.)

Any development involving the highway or river below Snoqualmie Falls brings a host of previously unconsidered concerns — traffic, wildlife, and soil stability to name a few. Yet citizens were not informed of the of the true scope of this project, or not informed at all.

Local citizens who are now finding out about this are enraged. Continue to follow up on this important land use concern in our precious Snoqualmie Valley.

Thank you for your dedication to journalism. At times like this we are so very grateful for a free press.

Jane Storrs
