Letter: Highway 18 is a death trap

Anyone who uses the Highway 18/I-90 interchange knows that it is a death trap from both the west and the east. When I try to get on I-90 at the entrance near the casino, the traffic exiting to Highway 18 is backed up past the entrance. I have to squeeze between exiting cars, and make a jackrabbit start into a lane going freeway speeds. Someone is likely to die there.

Anyone who uses the Highway 18/I-90 interchange knows that it is a death trap from both the west and the east. When I try to get on I-90 at the entrance near the casino, the traffic exiting to Highway 18 is backed up past the entrance. I have to squeeze between exiting cars, and make a jackrabbit start into a lane going freeway speeds. Someone is likely to die there.

So what was reveled about this local hazard at the recent 5th Legislative District candidate forum?

Senator Mark Mullet talked about the bipartisan work he did to pass the transportation bill, which has funds allocated to improve the interchange, and he pointed out his opponent, Chad Magendanz, voted against the transportation bill.

Magendanz tried to present himself as an independent who has often not voted with Republicans. But I have to ask, is that because he is more extreme than other Republicans? On the Highway 18 interchange this appears to be the case. The other Republican representative in the district (Jay Rodne) voted for the transportation bill. It appears that Magendanz’s Tea Party ideology is more important to him than making improvements to our roads and highways that will cut traffic and make us safer.

Magendanz complained that the bill was passed as an emergency measure. Seems to me, fixing a death trap calls for “emergency measures”. Mark Mullet’s work to fix the Highway 18 interchange will save lives, reduce traffic, and that’s what matters.

Roger Ledbetter
