North Bend Plaza project work continues next week with more sidewalk demolition on Southwest side of North Bend Way

Construction on the North Bend Downtown Plaza Project began July 24 along East North Bend Way, between Bendigo Boulevard and Ballarat Avenue.

One of the first tasks, removing the street trees on that stretch, has already dramatically changed the look of North Bend Way. New trees will be planted during the final phases of the project, which is forecast to extend into late October.

Other street furniture, such as benches, bike racks, flower pots, and hanging pots, is being or has been removed on the Northeast (Chaplin’s) side of the street, identified as Phases 1 and 2 in the project map, the sidewalks demolished and the electrical and irrigation lines in this area removed or re-routed.

Next week, work will begin on the southwest (Twede’s) side of the street, identified as phases 3 and 4, with the demolition of sidewalks, and the installation of new electrical and irrigation systems.

New sidewalks, curbs and driveways are scheduled for Phases 1 and 2 by the middle of August, and for Phases 3 and 4 by the end of the month.

Throughout construction, downtown North Bend businesses will remain open and accessible. Parking will be limited along East North Bend Way and the work will create typical construction noise and dust.

In early September, city staff are projecting a three-week closure of the intersection at E North Bend Way and Main Avenue N. More information and a detailed schedule will be provided later in August.

For daily project updates and a map of alternative parking options, visit the city of North Bend’s Projects Web page,

People with questions about the project can also send email to, or call the Public Works Department at (425) 888-0486.