List your community events in Record’s online calendar

Community events can be promoted on the Valley Record’s website calendar, which is searchable and lets users sort results by their preferences. The online calendar also lets users enter their event information for publication, and is free.

The online calendar is for community events, not for publicizing events such as business-oriented sales.

It’s in a different place on our new website,, but the online calendar works the same as it always has.

To see the online calendar, click the menu button on our website, then scroll down to Life, and then to Calendar.

To add a calendar event, on our website, click the Menu button, scroll down to Life, then to Add an Event. Add the information about your event in the appropfiate fields, then click Submit.

Once your request is submitted, it can take up to 48 hours for the event to appear on the calendar.

Events may also appear in the print calendar at the editor’s discretion