Sympathy for the wealthy, burdened with such need for tax breaks | Letter

I feel for the very wealthy who must struggle every day, wondering where their next big tax break will come from. Three hundred billion dollars here, $300 billion there, they just can never quite get there. What a terribly sad and stressful life it must be.

Meanwhile I am cautiously optimistic that the retirement I have managed to put aside, even though it will never be as much as Michael Flynn earned lobbying for Turkey, or about what Donald Trump earned in 11 days (when he was working, that is) will probably last me for the rest of my life, if I continue to live simply, or I don’t get sick, and my health care isn’t taken away.

President Trump says he has a responsibility to his family and his businesses to pay as little tax as possible. What a heavy responsibility that must be! I literally cannot imagine it.

At least he now acknowledges what the rest of the civilized world figured out long ago, as he said on May 4, when commenting on Australia having much better health care than our country — that the single payer, health care for all system is the best way to go.

Tell me, president Trump, when will that part of the Affordable Health Care Act take effect?

I hope I wake from this bad dream soon.

Robert Freeman

North Bend