Rep. Reichert still voting to keep the wool over our eyes | Letter

Representative Reichert has voted three times to keep the Republican president’s taxes secret, putting party over national security, and failing to represent his constituents. Seventy-four percent of Americans want Trump’s taxes released. Knowing if Trump is a crook, cheated on his taxes, or has conflicts of interests with Russia is important.

The Republican president lied when he said an audit prevented release. He lied, again, saying he would release them when in office. He lied when he said only the press cares. There is no reason to trust the Republican president.

Many people think Trump was the one to release his taxes that were suspiciously “leaked.” The year 2005 was a year his taxes had to be reviewed for Melania’s citizenship, and likely his most presentable.

Reichert said he voted against releasing Trump’s taxes because it lacked “due process,” and was a privacy matter. This from the Congressman who just voted to allow Internet providers to sell customer’s browsing history! “Due process” is just a phony excuse. A 1924 law allows the Ways and Means committee to release an individual’s taxes. Reichert’s yes vote would have been due process. It appears Reichert doesn’t trust what Trump’s taxes would reveal.

Three chances to do the right thing. Three times Reichert put party over national security. Three strikes, and Reichert should be out.

Roger Ledbetter
