Paying more in taxes should improve communities, not make the rich a ruling class | Letter

The Republican tax-scam is bad for working Americans and for democracy. The bill will increase the incomes of the biggest corporations and wealthiest Americans, at the expense of regular Americans. The bill repeals the ACA’s individual mandate and likely will deprive 13 million people of health insurance. In the wealthiest nation on earth, this is unacceptable.

Countries with greater income equality have greater economic growth, a more educated population, more gender equality, and better health outcomes. The GOP bill would rob us of those goals, just to make the super-rich even richer and more powerful.

I’m happy to pay more in taxes if it means improving our community by addressing homelessness, healthcare, paying teachers and public-servants more, and protecting the environment. I don’t want to pay more in taxes so the rich can become a ruling class.

The richest Americans don’t need a tax-write-off for jets at the expense of the rest struggling to pay our utility or healthcare bills. Corporations don’t need billions more at the expense of my grandmother being kicked out of her nursing home due to Medicaid cuts. This bill is bad for democracy, the economy, the environment, for healthcare, for students, and bad for working people.

I don’t know why being a decent human being, and caring for others has become so controversial. I would gladly pay a little more in taxes to live in a country where people are happier and healthier.

Alexandra Johnson
