Letter: Honorable careers don’t give people permission to disrespect others

This is a response to Art Farash’s letter to the editor in the Nov. 9 Valley Record concerning Jay Rodne. He wrote that he was “sick and tired of seeing Jay Rodne unfairly slandered” by liberals. He then went on to list his distinguished military career.

Yes, he deserves our honor for that, but the so-called slandered remarks were about what Rep. Rodne said recently, that, in effect, Muslims had no place in our society.

When people say things like that, I can’t help but think of Nazi Germany and that’s not what America stands for.

The Islam religion is not about violence. It is the fanatical extremists in any religion which causes problems.

The United States has a very extreme vetting process which takes 18 months to two years to complete before anyone is admitted and that is only for those who are chosen to go through with this.

Just because someone has an honorable military career doesn’t give them a pass, when they are in public office, to disrespect millions of people because of their religious beliefs.

Craig Ewing

North Bend